Getting The Quote Right
Perrott Painting assesses each project individually in order to tailor the correct scope of works and the most appropriate products for your needs. Our approach to assessing your project is unique to Perrott Painting and our proven track record constantly validates that we have the most accurate approach.
Our Estimators are professional painters who understand the painting industry, and what is necessary to achieve a desired result.
Our Estimators also understand the “Values” which govern Perrott Painting, and will only provide solutions that will work for our clients’ benefits. Our quotes clearly outline what areas are included and excluded.
Our up-to-date knowledge and close working relationship with our various material providers ensure our clients are provided with the best products available. Understanding the requirements for right products ensures we can allocate the correct time required to prepare and apply the coatings.
At all times, our desire is to provide “Best Value” to our clients.