Hanson Construction and Building Materials engaged Perrott Painting to carry out a strategic systematic Painting Plan for their East Perth Batching Plant.
Our initial assessment only included surfaces that required painting with some new tanks and other areas not requiring painting. Our detailed report itemized the areas requiring painting and we also designed a 5 year Plan with different level of work being carried out each year. This kept their spend to a minimum but guaranteed the very visible site looks great and is well protected from the elements.
Hanson Heidelberg Cement Group operate all over the world and ensure the safety of their contractors by using the on-line SASSI portal. Perrott Painting have the necessary policies and processes in place to conform with this and all other Safety requirements. This site required access equipment to reach the silos and conveyor and this was done by utilizing our company owned access equipment by qualified and trained staff operators.
Whilst on site we also revitalized the Hanson signs to the exterior of the truck tunnel by utilizing our Signwriting partners “Sign On”.
The repaint of this site was back in December 2013 and yet with the annual maintenance visits it still presents well today.
Hanson Concrete
East Perth
Exterior Painting with access issues